"Judge a person not by the answers they give, but by the questions they ask"

I will say anything :)

      “I do not wake up everyday and plan out my days around making sure I piss you off. I do not have enough time or energy to worry about ruining your day just because I wanted a cup of coffee or a pack of smokes. I promise you that the feeling is mutual and I think it’s sad because I don’t even know you and vice-versa. I don’t know you and I wont judge someone I do not know. I don’t hate you just because you don’t know me and have judged me, it’s normal to feel something about someone you don’t know.”
       "I truly do not spend my days trying to piss anyone off. I hate when I have a bad day and I would not intentionally try to make someones day horrible. And unless you are in my circle of friends or family I do not care about you at all. I don't care who you are, where you come from or who you have waiting at home. I don't care about your personal issues or problems in life."
      "Now give me my fucking cigarettes and ring me up for my coffee so I can be on my way before you put me in a bad mood you asshole."

Fuck You:
I am not your slave, working for chump change

I am not on this Earth to entertain you or serve your every need

I am not a punching bag

I am neither blind nor dumb

FUCK YOU for judging me

This world and all of us sharing it with you don’t owe you shit

I will not run around behind you cleaning up your messes

I don’t wipe my kids asses anymore so that is a negative

You said what you had to say, now it’s FUCK ME

Sorry, I am not a follower and therefore I am declining your request

Please think before you open your mouth to me

It Happens, You Deal With It, You Move On

I cannot pity anyone for their own stupidity

Laziness rides along with you everywhere

All I ever hear is excuse after excuse after the lies

It is a known fact that someone will try and fuck you over today

I am not your therapist, you couldn't afford me

I don't have the patience or energy to fix anyone

I want what I want and am willing to work hard to get it

I am me and I only know how to be me so deal with it or leave me The Fuck Alone!!! 


I didn't wake up today and try to come up with ways to ruin your Fucking Day. Trust me you are not that important, at least in my life.

I absolutely hate ignorant people and yes I would have to say that I am very racist against them.

When I have a option about something that you put out on the table to begin with, you don't have to show how intelligent you really are by automatically think I am talking shit. Simple minds are exhausting me.

People who have kids to support their laziness. I would almost bet my left tit that if you are to lazy to get a job, then you are a lazy parent. Poor kids. And I wonder why I am surrounded by stupid people.

If you can't be real with yourself, if you can't be straight up and be about what you say then why are your lips moving?

We are all equals and you are not any better then I am. We all have flaws and we are all imperfect. 
Common Sense is not something we are born with, Obviously.

Why can't we all work towards being better people and make our parents proud at who we have become while at the same time teaching our children good morals and values?

Our kids, the little one's we are raising and teaching are going to be in control one day and I hope it's a brighter future not one full of idiots and lazy people.

If you don't like what I have to say then I will show you again.

Because I really don't care. See we live in America and we have a little thing called Freedom of Speech. 
If you don't like what I say it's probably because you are one of the stupid, lazy, self centered people I am talking about.