"Judge a person not by the answers they give, but by the questions they ask"

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

No Assistance

            I am realizing that if you are a hard working parent and actually try to do what is right by your family and also by society then in the end you get shitted on. I am a prideful person who works hard to provide for my children. I get up and go to work every day and work extra as much as possible. I never call in sick to work or come up with reasons to take the day off. While I am at work I try to be the best employee and do the job I am being paying to do the best I can. I figure without my job I can not raise and support my children and so to lose that means I lose my children.
            About 4 months ago while I was working 2 jobs and barely keeping my head above water I went and applied for food stamps. I picked up the application and started the process. Taking my breath away and sending me into shock was printed right on the first page that you did not have to be an American Citizen to get Assistance. Anyways I get approved and am now able to keep food stocked in my house while I bust my ass working 2 and 3 jobs to pay the rest of the bills and put clothes on my kids backs.
             Now remember this is 4 months ago. Now I have worked my way up and replaced my 3 jobs with one really good job. I picked myself up off the ground, dusted myself off and started from scratch to build a life for my Family. Well this month like what has become normal lately I check my food stamps card, except this time there is nothing on it. I have been cut off because I made somewhere from $200 to maybe $350 more then allowed so I am cut off.
              Don't get me wrong I do make a little more and am a little more better off, but I am still playing catch up from before and I bust my ass only asking for a little groceries in return. I am not like most single mothers who live off the state and manipulate the system. I do not get any child support for my children. I do not live in section 8 housing or Assisted living homes. I do not get any support for my children. I guess it just gets to me that those of us who chose to be lazy and take advantage of the system get whatever they want and others like me who are capable of working hard taking care of ourselves some how get the short end of the stick. I need a little more incentive these days to bust my ass and get so little in return. Just the thought of the day. Maybe now my brain will file it and let me get back to writing my book.

1 comment:

  1. Reading about your system from a normal citizen's view is a different experience...
    May u always succeed and get better than what u wish for :)
