"Judge a person not by the answers they give, but by the questions they ask"

Monday, October 3, 2011

Somebody has to say it!!!

            I am surrounded by stupid people. People all around with no common sense, no brains, no concept of what is really going on. Some of these people are just acting stupid in hopes to just coast on through life. Others are simple minded and have no clue where to even go to find the answer let alone figure something out on their own. No matter how you cut that pie it gets draining to have to deal with these people every day of my life.

People in the crosswalk
    We live in a time and age where we are all hurry little worker ants on this planet, always rushing and running late everywhere. Traffic is such a cluster fuck these days on the streets and our human ways of waiting till the last minute to do anything, leaves us hurrying through our days.
Now, here is what everyone wishes someone would say...

    Unless you are walking with crutches and a broken leg, if you are over the age of 50, carrying a cane or walking with a walker then you should have the common sense to hurry the fuck up so that others can get where they need be. People want to take their sweet time getting across the street and it pisses me off.

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscience stupidity."
Stupid things that get under my skin:

       People who do not listen. DO NOT ask me a question if you really didn’t want the answer because you have ignored me as soon as I started to explain this to you.

      People who make you wait for a phone call. I am taking your order along with 3 other tables orders and have tables who need my attention as well, but sure I can wait while you answer the call.

      People who cannot count. If you cannot figure out basic elementary school math then just hand the cashier your twenty, get your change and get out of the way. Don’t try to figure out what else to hand her to get a even $5.00 back as change.

       Annoying pets that shed all over you and never get away from you. I like petting you and I will, but god give me some breathing room. You are all in my space and needy, STOP.
People who let their kids act like fools in public or scream through the grocery stores.

      Lazy people/Rude people/Liars/Thieves

     People who use their power to make your life hell everyday. Like your boss at work who rides your ass more then anyones else, or is always looking and waiting for you to make a mistake so he can rub your nose in it like a little puppy who just pissed on the living room floor.

       Those Mom’s who use the system. I hate when woman have babies and then live off the system. They don’t pay their bills, they don’t pay for their food and they don’t pay taxes either. The ones who wouldn’t take advantage and would only use it for what it is for, which is temporary assistance not the rest of your life trust fund, get turned down and shown the door.

       People that say they can’t find a job. I will tell you what, the job market does suck and the rate of pay for employees is not at par for surviving in the times, but we need a job to make it through life. If you can’t find a job really then come see me I will give you one of my 3 jobs. I found them all to, all by myself.

        People who post pictures of themselves all over the place. We all know that you think you are super hot and can have any man.

Idiocy: Something notably stupid or foolish. Usually offensive-Extreme mental retardation.

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