"Judge a person not by the answers they give, but by the questions they ask"

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Stay out of my ROOM!!!

     I have 2 kids and a huge house to hold all of us comfortably, but because I work graveyards and my 2 year old wont sleep completely through the night, him and my 12 year old share a room.
    My 12 year old feels like she has no private space and she is at that transitioning stage in life that she needs her own. Well I try my best to get my 2 year old out of there and into his own room.
     My daughter spends lots of time in her bedroom weather she is playing on her computer or reading her latest great book, she stays in there soaking up every second that her little brother is not tugging on her coat tails. So this is what I see throughout my day...

    Well I hope everyone focus' on the white blur. lol... Alright I know horrible picture hold on here is a better one...

    This is my daughter's first signs of rebellion and needing her own space by herself, but my poor child has no creative bone in her body or she is just simply put 'Lazy'.
     I can not handle looking at it anymore and so I am setting out to start a project and try to spend some quality time with my kids.

    I am sitting in the middle of my living room floor and tons of ideas flowing right now, this could be dangerous for me and for my daughter.
    Well it has begun and now I have set out to create the coolest portable 'Stay Out of my ROOM' sign for her to hang on her door. And I think it will be a surprise, I am not going to tell her till she sees it for the first time hanging on her bedroom door.
     I remember when I was young and we tried to hang the most offensive posters up and all the fights with my Grandparents. My daughter has this single piece of lined paper and chicken scratch all over it, I feel bad for her.

     Elbows deep and my little nice jester has now become me setting out to make the best Keep Out sign any 12 year old has ever seen. 
    Tonight is my Monday back at work and the graveyard shift screw me up and they get me all backwards, so it is going to take me a couple of days. My goal is done by the time she gets home from school Friday afternoon.
    Wish me luck.....      Lots and Lots of Luck and Prayers...

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