"Judge a person not by the answers they give, but by the questions they ask"

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Know one said you have to like me!!!


I am not a selfish person and I do not know how to change and become a selfish human being, it is just not in me. I am not a Lazy person. I have lost everything in my life once before and I have two kid's livelihoods in my hands so if hard work is all I have to do to keep a life for those children then that seems pretty easy to me. I am a honest person and I would rather someone to hate me because I was being honest and true to myself then like me just because I tell them what they want to here. 
If you have a question just ask me and I will tell you whats up. And yes the whole world knows I am a B**** but at least I am being REAL... I am not perfect... I am ME!

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