"Judge a person not by the answers they give, but by the questions they ask"

Friday, June 15, 2012


9 am: wake up and drive to Rebel for coffees.

9:40 am: drive James to work and then go back home.

10:45 am: feed my kids breakfast and lay around watching cartoons.

Noon: exercise and play some
Dance Central with kids.

1 pm: get in the shower and start getting ready for work.

2:20 pm: drive my ass across town to work.

2:40 pm: sit in the parking lot at work and check my email and FB.

3 pm: clock into work.

8:30 pm: clock off work and head to James work and pick him up.

9:15 pm: walk in the house and make dinner for the Family.

Watch television and hang out talking and eating.

1-2 am: Lay naked in bed watching American Dad and playing on iPad before bed.

Sad thing is, that's every day that I work.... But I love it and it's just simple me and my Family.
Don't get me wrong my days off are another story... Party time then :)

1 comment:

  1. lol Hey if it works for you and your family then who cares right? I hope you have lots of dance parties. They grow up to quickly and don't want to anymore. :)
