"Judge a person not by the answers they give, but by the questions they ask"

Saturday, December 17, 2011


My head is spinning. I am losing control. This web we weave and we hope others believe. The games we play with our words. Just use your head and look into your heart. Say what you mean and mean what you say. I am being talked into a black pit and I think it is all just a game. I think it is a way to have control or keep control. I hate to tell you I am stronger then that and I am not your puppet.Y...esterday is gone. Today I am healing. Tomorrow you may be left behind. I am moving forward and even at times when it looks like I am falling behind step, if you look really close you will see that I am always progressing. Some just can't keep up and others will live in a world of blame and pain. My eyes are opening and my actions are going to show the progress I am making. When you open your eyes all you will see is my dust. I am smart. I am honest. I am open. I am fragile. I am giving. I am loving and you chose for me not to be yours. Time is healing and love will find me even in the dark.

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