"Judge a person not by the answers they give, but by the questions they ask"

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Thank You Letters :)

Now It's My Turn: Thank You Letters :): Thank You Shoes,               Even though I walk all over you everyday, I scuff and drop stuff on you all the time and even though e...

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Do You Need To Laugh

Some of the best jokes I read are off of this blog.... I Hope You Enjoy miteshasher.blogspot.com

Monday, April 21, 2014

Life is a Blessing, be thankful you're Alive

There is always something to be thankful for, but sometimes its hard to see that. When I went to prison I definitely didn't see how or what I could be thankful for. I rebelled and acted out, I was angry and took it out on everyone around me, and I was fighting every chance I got against the system. I found myself asking questions like: "How come I got the Go Straight To Jail card?" "What did I really do to deserve this punishment?" "How come me, I wasn't that bad?" "How can I ever overcome all of this?". I wandered around lost for so many years and then I had found myself inside a correctional facility. I say 'I found myself inside' because I truly did, I found out who I was all along and the strength to overcome everything and anything. I was thankful after all because I could have ended up dead if I had stayed free and on the streets doing what I was doing, but instead I was here alive and safe. 
I am okay with the fact that I went to prison and had to lose everything to grow as a person. I have excepted that I would have been another statistic bouncing through the court system and eventually going to prison in the end anyways, but instead for whatever reason my judge that day just bypassed all the bullshit and sent me away, ripping me from my life and my child. 
I am one of the few who chose to do something and learn from the circumstances. I served two years and nine months inside the correctional facility, ten months in a halfway house and three years of parole with only one hiccup, all while getting full custody of my eight year old back, having a new baby boy and losing both my parents, but I did it and I am proud of that accomplishment in my life. 
There is always something to be thankful for, but sometimes its hard to see that. After truly losing everything and starting over from scratch I had gained the confidence and strength to do whatever needs to be done in my life for me and my Family. I packed up my Family and moved back home after ten years away and was not scared to start over because I now know that I am capable of anything. I feel my Grandparents watching over me from heaven and keeping me safe, I also know that they are very proud of the woman I have become. Where I have been, what I have seen, choices I have made, and things I have done all make up the person I am today and I wouldn't change anything ever. 
"There is always something to be thankful for, ALWAYS!"brainyquote.comwww.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/thankfulthankfulfor.com